Monday, June 4, 2007

Helioplex the Sunscreen Revoluation

To be stylish, one must have a tan. That's what most people think, that tan equals stylish. And at the same time, these same people know that the sun is harmful to the skin. And that's the problem they can't resist. They also know that sunscreen helps. But a lot of people complain that putting on sunscreen is a hassle.

Summer is on its way which means the sun tan season is here. And there is new hope. A number of new products promise a revolution in a bottle, and dermatologists are enthusiastic about some of them. "The big news is that there are products now that both stay on the skin longer and more importantly continue to work longer," said Dr. Allan Oseroff, dermatology chair at both the Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the University at Buffalo. The most promising new products are sunscreen lotions containing an ingredient called Helioplex. It is being called the most important advance in sunscreen in 20 years.

The sunscreens we've been using does effectively block UVB rays, but their UVA protection breaks down in less than two hours. Which means, unless you keep applying the sunscreen every 2 hours, your skin is not being protected. However, Helioplex blocks those UVA rays for twice as long as anything that has come before. Neutrogena is one of the first manufacturers to put Helioplex products on the market in the U.S.

Neutrogena sunscreens with Helioplex cover the complete UVA/UVB spectrum by harnessing the full power of two sunscreens, Avobenzone and Oxybenzone. Avobenzone is one of the best UVA absorbers, and Oxybenzone is a very good UVB absorber with some UVA absorbency. Together with Helioplex, these two sunscreen ingredients complement each other for high, broad spectrum and photostable coverage. Therefore, Helioplex helps screen out UVB burning rays and helps stop damaging UVA rays from penetrating surface layers, offering exceptional deep cellular protection.


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